Saturday, 15 December 2012

Willesden Green in Lights

This Saturday Willesden Green will be hosting a whole heap of activities from Electric House to the Library. Please join us for workshops, carols and some Christmas shopping! We would also like to invite you to join local people and businesses for Willesden Green in Lights.

Starting at Electric House at 16.00, we will be working in a group around Willesden Green to celebrate it's unique sense of community and offer support to the local independent businesses. The Willesden Green Team will be leading the way and we ask that you bring a lantern or a light with you to brighten the way.

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Friday, 7 December 2012

The Last Saturday Morning Film for this year is...

The Polar Express!

It's Bon voyage for now I'm afraid. It's been fun watching all these classic films with you and I hope you've enjoyed it.

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Friday, 30 November 2012

Tomorrow's film is...

It's the first of December so it's officially Christmas and its time for Dr Seuss' How the Grinch Stole Christmas.

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Thursday, 15 November 2012

Starting this evening, Electric House will be having a Soft Opening of the Space and hosting a great exhibition by a group of second year students from the Illustration BA Westminster University. See you tonight!
Opening Times:

Opening Night :Thursday 5-8 pm
Friday: 12-6 pm
Saturday 12-6pm

Wednesday, 14 November 2012

Friday, 9 November 2012

Free art classes for adults and children on Queens Parade!

This weeks film is...Shrek!!!

Another classic and a very popular request from the younger audience, come along and enjoy. There's popcorn too!
After this week film there will also be a free art club for children. It starts at 2pm!

Friday, 2 November 2012

Brent Fireworks Display comes back to Roundwood Park!!!

fireworks poster

Monday 5th November, Roundwood Park, Harlesden Road, NW10 - free fireworks display and laser show for the whole family.

Gates open at 7pm, fireworks start at 8.30pm. Closes 9.30pm.

Thursday, 1 November 2012

And this weeks film is... The Neverending Story

This weeks film is a special request and a classic worth seeing over and over again!
For those that struggled to find us last week, we are on Queens Parade, just off the Willesden high street and at the junction of Walm Lane, we look like this...
Here we are on a local map

Many thanks to those at came along last week, we had a blast, and a sing-a-long at the end...
Thanks to local mum and blogger Anita of Only Boys & Tomboys for the pictures

Friday, 26 October 2012

The Queensbury Deli's Delights @ Queens Parade's PopUp Cinema

The Queensbuy Deli's scrumptious cakes, cookies and cupcakes are going to be sold at the Pop Up cinema on Queens Parade. Good news for most of you, bad news for my waistline...

Wednesday, 24 October 2012

Willesden Green Town Team

The willesden Green Town Team is for local residents, businesses and anyone with an interest in their local area to be involved in their local community. It's a really exciting time in Willesden Green, the are loads of things happening and lots of changes in the area that everyone deserves to have a say in.

We are about to launch our own Town Team website so we can start to share all the things we are involved with but if you want to be part of the Town Team come to our next meeting 6.30pm on Tuesday 13th November @ 1 Queens Parade.

See you there!!!

Sunday, 21 October 2012

Launch of Queens Parade's Pop Up Cinema

Next week sees the first ever session of the pop up cinema!

As it's Halloween, we thought we'd show something in keeping with the season and at present it's a toss up between The Legend of Sleepy Hollow - The Disney version and Tim Burton The Nightmare Before Christmas. I have to confess to never having seen either of them so I'm going with public opinion on this one and both films seem to be equally popular.

Which film will it be, answers on a postcard please (alternatively as its 2012 not 1984, a comment will do).

See you next Saturday!!!

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Sunday, 14 October 2012

Lauch of Queens Parade Pop Up Cinema

It's finally here. One of the reasons this blog has been so, so, so, desperately quiet - for which I apologise... This, life and the start of a new school year which means 12 hour days and working weekends, are all to blame! I promise however, to be much more responsible in the future and to blog and keep you updated as much as humanly possibly (sort of)

Anyhow...I'm launching a pop up cinema that will be FREE to all! I'm hoping to have a popcorn machine and all sorts! Yippee i hear you screech. Phase 1 is only for children and will happen on Saturday mornings but i'm hoping to do lot's more soon so watch this space and see you on October 27th. x

Saturday, 4 August 2012

Chit Chat & Make That Special

There will be a special Chit-Chat & Make That session at Roses & String on Tuesday 7th August and I'm super excited.

You will be able to make your own Floral Headdress (see pictures below). The cost is £8 per person which is a bargain. Drop-ins welcome but if possible please email in advance to confirm your attendance.

I'll definitely be there, you'll probably see me cycling around on my Poppy with my headdress for long time and I'll match my bike!

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Friday, 3 August 2012

The Directory for Willesden Green

This little book has all the contacts you could wish forin Willesden Green and more!

It's a great way of finding good, reliable, businesses and traders recommended by YOUR neighbours. They still list only businesses and organisations that the community can trust. You can search for a suggestion or recommend a local tradesman or service.

For more details visit

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Thursday, 21 June 2012

Sketch Your Willesden Green

Shape YOUR Willesden Green!

The Willesden Green Town Team are about to reapply to be a Portas Pilot! This Friday, local cartoonist and artist Beatrice Baumgartner-Cohen will literally draw thoughts and ideas from the Town Team and local people.

Come and help the team pull together an idea of what local people want from the pilot. Join us from 13.00 - 19.00 on the 22nd June in Unit 1, Queens Parade.

Also, the next Town Team meeting will take place on Monday 25th June from 18.30 - 20.00. The meeting will be held in Unit 1 of Queens Parade to finalise what goes in the updated Portas bid and to formally set up the Town Team. If you are unable to make the meeting but would like to formally confirm your interest, please can you contact Peter Paddon at
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Monday, 18 June 2012

Willesden Green has a Town Team!

Exciting times ahead people, Willesden Green has a town team, a website and making it even more official, a Facebook group